+255 779 836 885
The sun wakes up and the world begins to turn. As the smell of the earth rises from the soil, the mist kisses each new blossom good morning, while the leaves broaden their curves to absorb each ray.
Welcome to Farm Baba, the all organic, local project that involves the whole community, and guests are welcome to join in a gardening session to be a part of something that is moving us forward on a greener path.
Our garden invites all wildlife through our vast selection of specie-specific flowers and plantlife that all work together to form the eco-system which is Casa Baba.
Normaility is something we experience daily... the mundane.
Why not enjoy the simple pleasures and beauty of everyday life?
Instead of trying to be normal look for the beauty in the smallest detail,
the most delightful feeling, the best view.
Don't be shy, Casa Baba will show you:
farm baba
Home sweet home Photo Credit: Gillian Tylcoat
With your own door to the pool. Step out, jump in Photo Credit: Gillian Tylcoat
In love with every detail Photo Credit: Gillian Tylcoat
You Tarzan me Jane Photo Credit: Gillian Tylcoat
Shower in morning light. There´s no better way to start your day Photo Credit: Gillian Tylcoat
Your bed, your rules Photo Credit: Gillian Tylcoat